After you call this function, SoundIoInStream::software_latency is set to the correct
The next thing to do is call ::soundio_instream_start.
If this function returns an error, the instream is in an invalid state and
you must call ::soundio_instream_destroy on it.
Possible errors:
* #SoundIoErrorInvalid
* device aim is not #SoundIoDeviceAimInput
* format is not valid
* requested layout channel count > #SOUNDIO_MAX_CHANNELS
* #SoundIoErrorOpeningDevice
* #SoundIoErrorNoMem
* #SoundIoErrorBackendDisconnected
* #SoundIoErrorSystemResources
* #SoundIoErrorNoSuchClient
* #SoundIoErrorIncompatibleBackend
* #SoundIoErrorIncompatibleDevice
After you call this function, SoundIoInStream::software_latency is set to the correct value. The next thing to do is call ::soundio_instream_start. If this function returns an error, the instream is in an invalid state and you must call ::soundio_instream_destroy on it.
Possible errors: * #SoundIoErrorInvalid * device aim is not #SoundIoDeviceAimInput * format is not valid * requested layout channel count > #SOUNDIO_MAX_CHANNELS * #SoundIoErrorOpeningDevice * #SoundIoErrorNoMem * #SoundIoErrorBackendDisconnected * #SoundIoErrorSystemResources * #SoundIoErrorNoSuchClient * #SoundIoErrorIncompatibleBackend * #SoundIoErrorIncompatibleDevice